Jul 28 2011

MGI Sommergrillen “Grill-O-Mat”


Hallo ihr Lieben,

hier nun die App für´s morgige Sommergrillen.



Im Vorfeld könnt ihr nur Fotos schiessen und den Twitterchannel (@MGI_Griller)  befüllen. Fotos die ihr im Vorfeld macht, werden dann automatisch vor Ort auf den Server überspielt.
Das WLAN vor Ort heisst
und das Passwort dafür lautet

Bis morgen.

Sep 27 2010

Here we go!


So, here is my blog. Here is my playground. Here is my digital scratchpad.

The first project I will play with a little is some sort of client/server-thing to stream MP3´s and Webcam-Video via my network here at home. The good thing about an appartment spread over 2 levels is: Lots of space. The bad thing is: Lots of space, sometimes. For example when you are planning a party, people allways split up and scatter across your flat. Therefore I will build a server which streams MP3 while he takes pictures from the various webcams we got during the whole party. In addtion, the clients will be connected via P2P to show what is happening elsewhere on the party.

Stay tuned :)